2011年韓國進口水產品概況去年日本福島核災事件引發韓國消費者對遭輻射污染水產品的疑慮加深,導致2011年日本進口水產量減半。日本海關指出,2011年日本出口韓國總水產量僅達419,232公酒店工作噸(較前年銳減34%);韓國自智利、俄羅斯進口的水產量則分別爆增67%及13%。韓國減少自日本進口水產品,轉而增加與中國大陸、俄羅斯及臺灣的貿易量。韓國海關表示,2011年進口的水產品 (酒店工作稅則編號03及16)高達132萬公噸,產值達40億美元,產量及產值分別較前年成長11%及25%。2011年韓國七成進口水產量由中國大陸(以422,459公噸居首)、俄羅斯(312,947公噸)、越南(103,770公設計裝潢噸)包辦。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 4/2012,1 Mar. 2012) FISHERY IMPORTS DECLINED FROM JAPAN IN 2011 BUT INCREASED FROMOTHER SOURCESFears of radioactive 婚禮佈置contamination has prompted South Koreans to almost halve their imports of Japanese fishery products in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident last year.According to the 買房子Japan Customs, fishery exports to South Korea totaled 419,232 MT in 2011, down 34% from a year before. Instead, South Korea turned to Chile and Russia and imports from G2000these two countries rocketed by 67% and 13% respectively. South Korea’s overall dependency on China, Russia and Taiwan went up due to the decreased trade with 票貼Japan.Based on South Korea Customs, imports of fishery products (HS 03 and 16) in 2011 totaled 1.32million MT valued at US$4 billion, up by 11% in quantity and 25% in 賣屋value against the previous year. China remained the largest supplier to South Korea last year with 422,459 MT followed by Russia (312,947 MT) and Vietnam (103,770 MT). 褐藻醣膠The three accounted for around 70% of the total South Korean seafood imports in 2011.

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